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Our Values

Commitment to source top quality ingredients thus enabling commercial bakeries to produce great products.

Efficiency in the management and application of tried and tested techniques to protect and improve
benchmarks for the industry.

Consistent innovation and integrity that industry specialists can rely on to support their own passion for

Courage to question production quality without fear or favour, assuring the consumer’s health is secure.

Pride and Caring for and providing access to knowledge and training from mentors and leaders that have achieved the pinnacles of success.

Cost-consciousness, an understanding of the need for cost effective solution that do not compromise
quality, taste or nutrition.

Empower entrepreneurs providing solutions that make startup baking businesses a reality.


Our Vision

The African continent with its diverse population groups, tastes, traditions and products is a unique mixing bowl unequalled in the world. Innovative ingredients, foodstuffs, crops and spices are combined to create sustainable and safe methods of food production.


Our Products

Bread Rolls, Long Life Madeira and Sponges, Muffin Mixes, Confectionary, Baking Ingredients, Cake Release, Seeds, Chocolate

And much, much more!


Our Organisation

Bakesure (Pvt) was established in 1994 and is Zimbabwe’s leading premix supplier to the bakery trade.
Bakesure was created to develop and pass on skills and knowledge to encourage people to comprehend the concept of quality goods while remaining financially efficient and profitable.

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